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The 12 possible causes of visceral fat (belly fat)

Too much belly fat is bad for your health. It is a risk factor for diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The medical term for unhealthy belly fat is visceral fat, which refers to fat that surrounds the liver and other organs in your abdomen.

Even people with a normal weight and too much belly fat have an increased risk of health problems. Here are twelve things that can cause belly fat.

1. Sugar-rich food and drinks

Many people consume more sugar every day than they realize.Examples of sugar-rich foods are pastries and sweets, but also the so-called healthier options, such as bread and fruit yogurt. Soft drinks, coffee and tea are some of the most popular drinks that contain sugar.

In short : Regular consumption of sugary foods and drinks can cause abdominal fat.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol can have both positive and negative effects. Drinking in moderation, especially in the form of red wine, can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. However, too much alcohol can lead to inflammation, liver disease and other health problems.

In short : Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of various diseases and is related to too much belly fat.

3. Trans fats

Trans fats are the unhealthiest fats on earth. They are produced by hydrogenating unsaturated fats to make them stable. Trans fats are often used to extend the shelf life of packaged food, such as pasta, pastries (mixes) and crackers. Trans fats are associated with inflammation.

In short : Trans fats increase inflammation and can lead to insulin resistance and the accumulation of abdominal fat.

4. Too little exercise

An inactive lifestyle is one of the greatest risk factors for poor health. In general, people have become less active in recent decades. This has probably played a major role in the increasing number of obesity cases, including abdominal obesity. A major study in the US between 1988 and 2010 found that there was a clear decrease in the amount of exercise and an increase in the weight and abdominal circumference of men and women.

In short : An inactive lifestyle can promote the increase in belly fat. Strength training and aerobics can prevent the return of belly fat after losing weight.

5. Low protein diet

Getting enough protein is one of the most important factors to prevent weight gain. Protein-rich dietary patterns ensure satiety, accelerate digestion and can lead to a lower calorie intake. Low protein intake, on the other hand, can cause abdominal fat in the long term.

In short : A low protein intake can lead to a feeling of hunger and an increase in belly fat. It can also increase the hunger hormone NPY.

6. Transition

During the transition very often the belly fat increases. During puberty, the hormone estrogen gives a signal to the body to store fat around the hips and thighs in preparation for a possible pregnancy. This subcutaneous fat is not dangerous, but in some cases it can be very difficult to get rid of. The transition takes place officially one year after a woman has had her last period. Around this time, estrogen levels fall drastically, storing fat around the abdomen, rather than at the hips and thighs.

In short : Hormonal changes during the transition ensure that fat is stored as visceral fat in the abdomen instead of the hips and thighs.

7. Wrong gut bacteria

Hundreds of different types of bacteria live in the intestines, mainly in the large intestine. Some of these are beneficial to health, others are harmful. The bacteria in the intestines are also known as the intestinal flora or microbiome. Healthy intestines are important to maintain good resistance and to prevent disease.

In short : An imbalance of the intestinal flora can cause weight gain, including the increase in abdominal fat.

8. Fruit juice

Fruit juice is a sugar-rich drink with an unfairly healthy image. Even unsweetened juice from 100 percent fruit contains a lot of sugar. 250 ml of apple juice and cola both contain 24 grams of sugar. The same amount of grape juice contains no less than 32 grams of sugar. Although fruit juice does provide vitamins and minerals, fructose can also promote insulin resistance and abdominal fat.

In short : Fruit juice is a sugar-rich drink that can cause insulin resistance and belly fat if you drink too much.

9. Stress and cortisol

Cortisol is an essential hormone for survival. It is produced by the adrenal glands and is known as the "stress hormone," because it helps your body respond to stress. Unfortunately, it can contribute to weight gain, especially around the abdomen, when it is produced excessively. For many people stress leads to overeating. Instead of the fat being spread in the body, cortisol ensures that it is stored in the abdomen.

In short : The hormone cortisol, which is secreted in response to stress, can lead to more belly fat. This is particularly the case with women with a wider waist.

10. Low-fiber diet

Fiber is extremely important for good health and good weight. Some types of fiber have a satiating effect, stabilize hunger hormones and reduce calorie intake from food. In an observation study of 1114 men and women, soluble fiber intake was related to less abdominal fat. For every 10 grams of soluble fiber, there was 3.7 percent less accumulation of belly fat.

In short : A diet that is low in fiber but contains many processed carbohydrates can lead to more belly fat.

11. Hereditary factors

Genes play a major role in the risk of obesity. It also appears that the storage of fat around the abdomen is partly influenced by genes. This includes the sequence for the receptor that regulates corticosteroid and also the sequence that codes for the leptin receptor, that regulates calorie intake and weight. In 2014, researchers identified three new genes associated with a wider waist compared to hip and abdominal obesity. Two of these were found only in women. However, much more research is required within this area.

In short : Genes appear to play a major role with a wide waist and the storage of a surplus of calories in belly fat.

12. Insufficient sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health. Many studies have associated poor sleep with weight gain, including the increase in abdominal fat. A large survey followed 68,000 women for sixteen years. Those who slept for five hours or less were 32 percent more likely to gain 15 pounds than those who slept for at least seven hours. Sleep problems can also lead to weight gain. One of the most common sleep problems, apnea, is a condition in which breathing is repeatedly stopped by soft tissue in the throat, blocking the airways.

In short : A short or poor night's sleep can lead to weight gain, including the increase in abdominal fat.


Many different factors can cause abdominal fat. There are a number of things you can do little about, such as your genes and hormonal changes during the transition. But there are many factors that you can do something about. Making the right choices about what to eat and what not to eat, enough exercise and the way you deal with stress are all things that can help you lose belly fat. Lose even more belly fat by learning more here.

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