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Basically if you have tried a bunch of methods. - Gym - Home Workout - Trainers - Diets --- etc.. And you just can't get that flat belly....
On some days you feel weak, tired, have pains or are simply unmotivated. Try to find out the cause to prevent you from giving up and you...
Every five to ten years, the Health Council bundles the latest scientific insights into the relationship between nutrition and health in...
Below is my top six list for 2019 (so far as of end of March 2019) - yes I try to read about 2–3 a month! :) 1. Good Talk: A Memoir in...
You don’t need a gym to get in a good workout. I’ve related this answer a few times now. The big misconception about training or getting...
What are your goals? I just wrote this list over on Quora as an answer to the question - What are the top jobs in the next 30 years. I...
Below are some great benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. If you have questions or want to learn more, please by all means join the acv...
Because people have asked this on Quora, here is a recipe for protein bars. That supermolecule reference is your favorite protein powder!...
Do you want to lose some pounds? Or can you use some more energy? The ketogenic diet has gained considerable popularity in recent years....
Again, Quora won't let me post links or they get a little strange when I try to point people to good stuff. :) Anyways.... here are a few...
I just posted this on Quora, but they get mad when I post links to great stuff. So, here are the books once again with the links as well...
Katan's newest pen fruit rush to the bookstore for the latest book by Arco Giskes: "You eat what you rhyme", a must! Nutritionist Arco...
Multivitamins Robert Walker, orthomolecular therapist - part of naturopathy: "The thought 'it doesn't help, it won't harm' is not valid...
What is a bursa inflammation? An inflamed bursa is called a bursa inflammation. The medical term is bursitis. A bursa is a bag filled...
Soon I will release a video, which won't be free, but this is. I just posted this on Quora, but wanted to share it here also: You can...
Why do people fall for dubious waste tricks if they can also follow the free advice to eat varied and moderately? The human psyche is all...
Do you exercise several times a week? Do you sometimes have doubts about what you can eat best on your sports day? Logical, because good...