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The ketogenic diet: do it or don't do it?

Do you want to lose some pounds? Or can you use some more energy? The ketogenic diet has gained considerable popularity in recent years. Hereby carbohydrates in meals are replaced by fat. Yes, that means a lot of burgers and fries! In exchange, you would increase your resistance and your appetite to be better controlled. As great as that may sound, it is an extremely heavy diet. And in addition: how healthy is the ketogenic diet?

This is how the ketogenic diet works

How does the ketogenic diet really work? By completely removing carbohydrates or sugars from your diet and replacing them with fat, the metabolic process stimulates ketosis in your body. As a result, you are going to burn fat instead of glucose. In return, you can expect the following: increased resistance, better mental and physical performance, a controlled appetite and weight loss.

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Sounds amazing? Yes, in part. Many celebs swear by all the ketogenic diet, such as Gwyneth Paltro, Halle Berry and Mick Jagger. Yet it is not all rose scent and moonshine, because the diet seems to be extremely strict. And to be honest, celebrities simply have the advantage that they can hire staff to cook for them. The normal mortals will unfortunately have to do it on their own. And that does not seem to be easy, according to many experts.

Lots of discipline

What makes the ketogenic diet so heavy? This is because the metabolic process of ketosis is not simply encouraged. This takes a lot of time, effort and a towering discipline. In the first few weeks of the diet you will be very tired because your body is not used to the situation. In addition, one misstep (such as a cookie) can be disastrous and you have to start all over again.And a mistake is easily made when you are extremely hungry and you have to follow a strict diet. But once your body has reached the process of ketosis, your desire for sugar and sweets will disappear like snow in the sun and you will find that you immediately get more energy.


Dietetic Tanja Callewaert warns about the HLN diet: “This is a very strict diet and such diets quickly become very dangerous. It is true that your sugar level will fluctuate less, which means that you will not feel like eating much more quickly. "If you want to lose weight, you still have to take fewer calories than your body needs."

Another disadvantage of the ketogenic diet is the chance of a nutrient deficiency with a negative impact on your intestinal function. That is why it is important to eat lots of fiber-rich vegetables and to take supplements. And yes, you will unfortunately have to leave your wine, because it contains sugar.

In short, to steer the ketogenic diet in the right direction, you must have a shitload of discipline, dedication and time. Do you want to try it anyway? Always consult a professional dietitian to guide you.

Make sure you watch this other Free Video, different than the one above!

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