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WHO wants to end the use of harmful trans fats and lower their cholesterol?

If it is up to the World Health Organization (WHO), it will be done in 2023 with industrial 'bad' fats. These so-called trans fats are found in, for example, hard margarines and roasting fat, pastries, cakes and snacks.

Governments are being given guidelines by the WHO to ban trans fats,CNN reports. The initiative, called Replace, is intended to help countries prepare the necessary legislation, says a spokeswoman.

Unfavorable effect on cholesterol

Trans fats increase the risk of obesity and have an unfavorable effect on cholesterol levels. People with high cholesterol levels in their blood have an increased chance of getting heart disease.

A ban on trans fats fits into the culture of healthier eating, says food expert Samefko Ludidi of the Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht to the NOS ."A lot of emphasis is now on reducing carbohydrates and saturated fats."

A lot of profit with moderating processed food

According to Ludidi, 'certainly a lot of profit' can be achieved by moderating processed food. "In addition to trans and saturated fats, it also contains a lot of salt and sugar."

Every year, 500,000 people die worldwide as a result of trans fats. In Europe, one in seven deaths is related to the risks that are prohibited from eating such fats.

What are you eating tonight?

Watch this Free Video to learn more on how to lower your cholesterol naturally.

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